For those wanting to pay by Cash, Eftpos or Online Payments, the following Sub Matrix is applicable.
Online banking details: Te Awamutu Squash Club, Westpac a/c 03-1564-0080469-00. Particulars: Name, Ref No: 172
| 1 March - 28 February | 1 May - 28 February | 1 July - 28 February | 1 October - 28 February |
Senior | $280 | $265 | $250 | $145 |
Couple (i.e Married/De facto/Civil Union) | $520 | $490 | $455 | $240 |
Family (2 Adults & 1 Junior) | $545 | $520 | $500 | $290 |
Family of 4 (2 Adults max & Juniors) | $570 | $545 | $520 | $340 |
Family of 5 (2 Adults max & Juniors) | $595 | $570 | $545 | $390 |
Senior & Junior (1 Adult & 1 Junior Family) | $360 | $340 | $300 | $200 |
Senior Family of 3 (1 Adult & 2 Junior Family) | $410 | $390 | $350 | $240 |
Junior (under 19 as at 1 March. This fee does not include extra coaching on Monday nights) | $120 | $120 | $100 | $60 |
Junior Elite Fee (additional fee for senior graded juniors playing senior interclub and/or using courts in Peak Times) | $100 | $100 | $100 | $100 |
Tertiary Student (full-time, MUST produce appropriate student ID) | $200 | $185 | $175 | $120 |
Country (full financial member of another club. Interclub entry conditional) | $100 | $90 | $80 | $60 |
Casual (500 minutes for $90 plus $10 bond, access expires 12 months from date of purchase) | $100 or $90 top up |
PLEASE NOTE: If you damage or lose your fob and require a new one, there is a charge of $10 per fob.